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Special Event Review

U of U Risk & Insurance Services role is to provide assistance and advice, but not to determine if activities and equipment are safe or to approve/disapprove their use.

Risk factors U Departments should consider include whether the event will set a precedent, does it fall outside the University's Mission, does it comply with any applicable pandemic guidelines, are there reputational risks, will University funds be used for the event, etc.

What to be aware of for events on or off campus

  • Person in Charge of the event.
  • Ensure there will be water available for participants.
  • If this event involves potentially hazardous activities have the participants sign a liability waiver.
  • If there is a guest speaker refer to the Guest Lecturer Agreement.
  • If a group outside of the University of Utah wants to hold an event on campus, please contact Scheduling.
  • If a UU department is hiring a group outside the University of Utah request they provide you with a certificate of insurance.
  • If the University of Utah needs to provide a certificate of insurance to anyone, please complete a Certificate of Insurance Request.
  • Have all contracts/agreements reviewed by U General Counsel.
  • If there is a need for security at your event please contact U Department of Public Safety.
  • Be aware of applicable noise ordinances in the area of your event.
  • If you are charging any admission fees for this event determine if tickets will they be pre-sold or sold at the gate.
  • If the event involves minors refer to the Youth Protection and Program Support webpage.
Last Updated: 1/29/25